Changemakers - Fark Yaratanlar
Fark Yaratanlar


Meet Changemakers who choose to be part of the solution to an existing problem, who demonstrate an example for an active citizen, who create innovative solutions for a concrete and sustainable change, who make social contributions with measurable effects, and who inspire others with their stories.
Onur Kahvecioğlu - Müzikist

Fatih Küçük - The Cartoon Mill

Fatih Küçük continues to shape the future of children and bring them together with art thanks to his contributions to cartoon and art education.

Social Justice
Wheelchair Dance Project

A dance group of individuals with physical disabilities...

Social Justice
Hands Speak

Rap music with sign language: Hands Speak

Social Justice
Galata Dialogue Association

Be Ready To Forget What You Know In The Pitch Dark

Social Justice
Sulukule Children's School of Arts

Children in Sulukule Make their Voices Heard through Music

Economic Development
Hüsamettin Koçan

Hüsamettin Koçan Created a Museum to Revitalize the Local Economy

Social Justice
Şaban Tören

Şaban Tören Makes a Difference in Children's Lives with Art

Civic Participation
Ercan Tutal

Ercan Tutal Makes a Difference in the Lives of People with Disabilities


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