Fark Yaratanlar

Talking Hands

7.679 persons with hearing impairments have taken the national university entrance exams that are carried out by Student Selection and Placement Center (ÖSYM) in 2014-2017. Public Personnel Selection Examination for the Disabled (EKPSS), which is a central exam for the employment of persons with disabilities who graduated from secondary school, associate's degree and bachelor's degree, has been carried out since 2014. A young mathematics teacher named Pelin Baykan, has taken on responsibility of candidates with hearing impairments to be more prepared for this exam.

Pelin Baykan who has learnt Turkish Sign Language voluntarily, started a social initiative called “Talking Hands”. Baykan first started to teach mathematics via YouTube for hearing impaired/deaf community to eliminate unequal opportunity in education. She shot videos with sign language by using her phone. Then she edited and broadcasted those by herself. 74 videos shot by Pelin Baykan between February 2017 and April 2018 have reached 126 thousand views.

Pelin Baykan also organizes in-class trainings at Talking Hands social initiative. Up to date, she taught sign language to around 200 people in different activities and assisted many people in learning mathematics with sign language.

Pelin Baykan worked for equal opportunity in education. She reached thousands of persons with hearing impairments. She assisted them in learning mathematics with Turkish Sign Language. She made a huge difference both in field of education and in the lives of persons with hearing impairments.

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