Changemakers - Fark Yaratanlar
Fark Yaratanlar


Meet Changemakers who choose to be part of the solution to an existing problem, who demonstrate an example for an active citizen, who create innovative solutions for a concrete and sustainable change, who make social contributions with measurable effects, and who inspire others with their stories.
Social Justice
Sibel Kaya - Let's Sign

Social Justice
Ayşenur Sena Tarakçı - Non Pigmented Person

Social Justice
Murat Kefeli - Körüz Biz

Social Justice
Zülal Tannur - From Your Eyes

Social Justice
Seda Fırın - Kekele TV

Social Justice
Dilek Demir - Neighborhood Head of Muradiye in Bağlar, Diyarbakır

Social Justice
Accessible Everything

Accessible Everything continues its activities with the motto of “If there is accessibility, there is no disability”.

Social Justice
Yağmur Özgür Güven – Anti-Vivisection Association

Yağmur Özgür Güven continues to work in Anti-Vivisection Association, of which she has been among the founders since 2019.

Social Justice
Association for Struggle against Sexual Violence

The Association for Struggle against Sexual Violence was founded in 2014 by a group of activists to make sexual violence more visible, widely spoken about and debated.

Social Justice
Hasan Kızıl (Life Mendel)

Hasan Kızıl initially made the walkers he designed for animals by breaking up wheeled paraphernalia he found at home like the toy car.

Social Justice
Elazığ Social Cooperation Sports Club Association

İsmail Bayraktar is a teacher; at the same time, he has dedicated his life to the sport of handball since 1991.

Social Justice
Accessible Film Festival

The festival has worked for equal access to the cultural life for everyone and touched thousands of lives of persons with disabilities.

Social Justice
Art Anywhere Association

Art is anywhere with children in Mardin...

Social Justice
Animal Rights Watch Committee

A more equal and peaceful world for all living creatures...

Social Justice
Wheelchair Dance Project

A dance group of individuals with physical disabilities...

Social Justice
Hands Speak

Rap music with sign language: Hands Speak

Social Justice
Askıda Ne Var

A platform for enriching students’ education lives

Social Justice
Guide Dogs Association of Turkey

According to Ministry of Family and Social Policies, there are 750 thousands of persons in Turkey with visual disabilities including persons with low vision. Lawyer Nurdeniz Tuncer...

Social Justice

DemGoodCoffee blends deaf and hearing-impaired culture with coffee culture

Social Justice
'Refugees', We Are, 'Neighbors' Solidarity Network

Solidarity through neighborhood

Social Justice
Art On The Street Association

Art for everyone

Social Justice
Co-Pedal Association

Co-Pedal Association provides physical and social rehabilitation for the disabled and creates companionship among persons with and without disabilities through using tandem bikes.

Social Justice
Dervish Father Coffeehouse

The whole system of Dervish Father Coffeehouse is based on voluntary participation.

Social Justice
Ayşe Tükrükçü

A bowl of soup, a hope...

Social Justice
Abdullah Oskay

Abdullah Oskay worked with children and young people raised under similar conditions. Together with his friends, he established Hayat Sende Youth Academy Association in 2007.

Social Justice
Süleyman Akbulut

Süleyman Akbulut played a significant role in the change of approach on disability from help-basis to rights-basis.

Social Justice
Duygu Kayaman

Duygu worked on the development of “My Dream Partner” application with the support of Turkcell that eases the access of visually impaired people to information.

Social Justice

Mehmet Kızıltaş, who is aware of the obstacles to disabled people’s participation in employment, created website in 2005.

Social Justice

LİSTAG was established in January 2008 in İstanbul as a civil society organization by the families of LGBTI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) people.

Social Justice

SineMASAL team, under the leadership of Enes Kaya, started their work by exploring 69 villages of Eastern and Southeastern Anatolia.

Social Justice
Hülya Aydın

Life of A Determined Woman

Social Justice
Umut Koşan

A Man Who Follows His Dreams

Social Justice
Good Smells from the Kitchen

Good Smells From The Kitchen For People With Visual Impairments

Social Justice
Engin Yılmaz

Series And Movies Are Accessible For Everyone With The Audio Description

Social Justice
Lütfiye Kelleci Birer

Story Of The Effort To Make Obstacles Invisible

Social Justice
Sami Altunel

A New Door From İzmir Into A Different World

Social Justice
Ömer Faruk Arınç

Disadvantaged Kids Are At Playhouse

Social Justice
Women Association of Muş

Early Marriage Is Not Their Destiny

Social Justice
Alev Zehir

"The Life" Is In The Hands Of The Youth Raised Under Legal Protection

Social Justice
Galata Dialogue Association

Be Ready To Forget What You Know In The Pitch Dark

Social Justice
Celal Karadoğan

Aiming to create a sense of community among youth with and without disabilities, and to raise public awareness around this topic...

Social Justice
Nurcan Baysal

A Success Story Written From West To East

Social Justice
Sulukule Children's School of Arts

Children in Sulukule Make their Voices Heard through Music

Social Justice
Güney Hastemoğlu

Güney Hastemoğlu Fights to Prevent Juvenile Delinquency

Social Justice
Nihat Kihtir

Nihat Kihtir Removes Barriers to Participation through Sign Language

Social Justice
Senem Gül

Senem Gül Encourages Women Participation in Social and Economic Life

Social Justice
Tahir Dadak

Tahir Dadak Develops Capacity to Improve Agriculture

Social Justice
Child Brides Project

Child Brides Project Fights Early Marriage Tradition in Turkey

Social Justice
Tarlabaşı Community Center

Tarlabaşı Community Center Fuels Hope amid Poverty

Social Justice
Özlem Öztürk

Özlem Öztürk Raises Awareness on Landmines among Children

Social Justice
Cavidan Yılmaz

Cavidan Yılmaz Advocates the Women Rights in the Northern City of Trabzon

Social Justice
Şahhanım Kanat

Şahhanım Kanat Helps Families Face the Challenge of Urban Migration

Social Justice
Tolga Öztorun

Tolga Öztorun Protects Street Animals

Social Justice
Bener Erkorur

Bener Erkorur Trains Athletes with Autism

Social Justice
Şaban Tören

Şaban Tören Makes a Difference in Children's Lives with Art

Social Justice
Tahsin Aksu

Tahsin Aksu Devotes Himself Serving the Community of Van-Gevaş


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