Changemakers - Fark Yaratanlar
Fark Yaratanlar


Meet Changemakers who choose to be part of the solution to an existing problem, who demonstrate an example for an active citizen, who create innovative solutions for a concrete and sustainable change, who make social contributions with measurable effects, and who inspire others with their stories.
Gamze Elibol - Culture, Art and Education Center for People With Disabilities of Turkey

Elibol, who so far has performed 500 plays and eight musicals on many different social issues such as traffic accidents to violence against women, meets the educational and medical needs of more than 120 disabled girls with all the income from these shows.

Social Justice
Art On The Street Association

Art for everyone

Basri Köylü

Basri Köylü is a psychiatrist at Aksaray State Hospital. For a while now, he applies drama therapy to patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.

SosyalBen Association

SosyalBen is a social responsibility association that helps children aged 7 to 13 and living in disadvantageous areas discover and improve their own social skills.

Nurten Akkuş

Daddy tell me a story

Dilek Livaneli

Dilek Livaneli is a teaching profession since 13 years, the last 6 years of which were in Kumköy Primary School in Samsun.

Civic Participation
Ümmiye Koçak

A Woman With the Spirit of Afife Jale: Ümmiye Koçak

Social Justice
Umut Koşan

A Man Who Follows His Dreams

Social Justice
Galata Dialogue Association

Be Ready To Forget What You Know In The Pitch Dark

Selçuk Var

Selçuk Var Motivates Teachers through Theater

Social Justice
Şahhanım Kanat

Şahhanım Kanat Helps Families Face the Challenge of Urban Migration


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