Changemakers - Fark Yaratanlar
Fark Yaratanlar


Meet Changemakers who choose to be part of the solution to an existing problem, who demonstrate an example for an active citizen, who create innovative solutions for a concrete and sustainable change, who make social contributions with measurable effects, and who inspire others with their stories.
Onur Kahvecioğlu - Müzikist

Rumeysa Çevlik - Doğadaki Sınıf

İlayda Eskitaşçıoğlu - We Need to Talk

İlayda who founded “We Need to Talk” platform in Ankara at the end of 2016, which operates in İstanbul now, continues to work all around Turkey.

Nusrettin Biçer/ Abdulkadir Korkmaz - Reading is Being on the Road

Nusrettin and Abdulkadir are teachers who visit the villages of Şanlıurfa with the project 'Reading is Being on the Road' and come together with the children.

Civic Participation
Hakan Yücel (The Cycling Librarian)

The Cycling Librarian, combining the books gifted by volunteers and his professional skills, delivers the books to schools, classifying them according to the age groups and interests of the students, and taking into account the number of students.

Civic Participation
Emre Dayıoğlu

Emre Dayıoğlu, aged 27, is a music teacher in Durmuş Yener Secondary School in Bayralar village of Elmalı, Antalya.

Dilek Livaneli

Dilek Livaneli is a teaching profession since 13 years, the last 6 years of which were in Kumköy Primary School in Samsun.

Şenol Yıldız

After completing the projects ‘I am Touching Science, Having Fun and Learning’ and ‘My School is turning to a Science Center’, Şenol Yıldız is now travelling from village to village for his third project called ‘Let Science Enlight the Schools’.

Civic Participation
Architecture for All Association

Architecture for All Association was established in 2011 for creating architectural and design solutions for socio-cultural problems in Turkey.

Hacı Ormanoğlu

Hacı Ormanoğlu Empowers Children through After-School Programs


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