Changemakers - Fark Yaratanlar
Fark Yaratanlar


Meet Changemakers who choose to be part of the solution to an existing problem, who demonstrate an example for an active citizen, who create innovative solutions for a concrete and sustainable change, who make social contributions with measurable effects, and who inspire others with their stories.
Social Justice
Murat Kefeli - Körüz Biz

Toplumsal Adalet
Murat Kefeli - Körüz Biz

Fatih Küçük - The Cartoon Mill

Fatih Küçük, Türkiye’nin pek çok yerinde sanatsal aktivitelerde bulunduktan sonra 2016 yılında Türkiye’nin ilk bağımsız çizgi film okulu olan The Cartoon Mill’i kurdu.

Fatih Küçük - The Cartoon Mill

Fatih Küçük continues to shape the future of children and bring them together with art thanks to his contributions to cartoon and art education.

Tazelenme Üniversitesi

Tazelenme üniversitesi 2016 yılında Prof. Dr. İsmail Tufan öncülüğünde Akdeniz üniversitesi bünyesinde kuruldu...

Refreshment University

The first university of Turkey for students over 60 years old

Fatma Ayan

Turkey’s first open-air library has been opened with the efforts of Fatma Ayan, a teacher with 20 years of experience.

Fatma Ayan

Eğitimi Sınıfa Hapsetmeyen öğretmen: Fatma Ayan...

Civic Participation
Emre Dayıoğlu

Emre Dayıoğlu, aged 27, is a music teacher in Durmuş Yener Secondary School in Bayralar village of Elmalı, Antalya.

Yurttaş Katılımı
Emre Dayıoğlu

Anadolu Türküleri Unutulmasın...

Yurttaş Katılımı
Seda Sevin

Seda Sevin Türkiye'ye Hentbol Oyuncusu Yetiştiriyor...

Civic Participation
Seda Sevin

Seda Sevin Helps Low-Income Children Achieve Success in Sports


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