Center for Spatial Justice is founded by Yaşar Adnan Adanalı, who is an urbanist, and a group of his friends in 2016. The Center is working on gathering urban planners, architects, social scientists, journalists to develop participatory urban planning and implementations that consider social, environmental and human rights.
Center for Spatial Justice organizes trainings and seminars for fairer cities. Another activity of the center is walking. The center is organizing walks in order to understand the beyond of the appearing face of city and experience it on site.
Besides all these activities, the Center produces short films, documentaries, publications and contents to make right based struggles visible, through Beyond Istanbul and Spatial Justice Center Agency. The Center also shares justice struggles in urban and rural spaces collected within Hope Archive which is a participatory and communal visual platform.
Center for Spatial Justice emerged from the dreams of Yaşar Adnan Adanalı and his friends. The Center carried on its activities with the aim of living in fairer, democratic, ecological urban and rural spaces. It supported civil society to contribute in urbanization issues. The Center has made a huge difference with its work that made fast-changing living spaces more livable.